Join us for a
holistic approach
to learning
Typical Day
Arrival and Greeting Time:
Children arrive and are greeted warmly by their teachers. We begin our day with prayer, a greeting song, which sings each child's name and encourages the other children to sing along so that they will learn their classmate's names.
Arts and Crafts Time:
Children create a project, they may learn to follow directions by assembling something or be able to have free flowing art that is fully their creation. M/W/F students also have a few cooking and science projects interspersed throughout the year. We focus on developing the children’s fine motor skills during this time including learning how to write their name.
Teaching Time (centered on weekly theme):
Children are read a story and introduced to the letter, number, shape, and/or color of the week. In addition a “concept” or “theme of the week” is discussed along with a Bible verse. Some sample “themes” include discussions on families, senses, manners, seasons, pets, and many other age appropriate topics.
Music and Movement Time:
We move to music, play with the parachute, play instruments, toss bean bags, have an obstacle course and at times play games together as a large group. We always enjoy going outside to run and play on our playground when weather permits.
Snack Time:
We use this time help to develop table manners, such as “Please,” “Thank you” and “May I please be excused?” Parents sign-up to bring snacks.
Play Time:
Children have an opportunity to play in different Learning Centers which include:
Kitchen Center
Dress-up Center
Puppet Theater
Listening Center
Blocks/Lego Center
Table Activities - puzzles, matching or sequencing games along with other engaging toys.
Art center
Revolving learning center that changes every 3-4 weeks Example: Farm, Doctor's Office, Grocery Store, Carpenter Shop, Beauty Salon, Fire Department, Post Office, etc.
This is a time when children return to their original classroom, sing a "Good bye" song and are dismissed by their teacher.
“We loved the environment and staff/teachers. We knew our kiddos were getting a good education as well as implementing Christian values.”
— Jessica Miles